What Can We Help You With?

~Improve your digestion, reduce your bloating, reflux & gas.

~Identify any food intolerances via testing or dietary elimination.

~Navigate what to eat & debunk any dietary myths.

~Regain your energy & vitality

~Get a better nights sleep

~Improve your fertility & help ensure a healthy pregnancy & breastfeeding journey.

~Address pregnancy complications; morning sickness, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, fatigue, leg cramps & low iron levels/anaemia.

~Enhance a speedy recovery post birth.

~Improve your immune system; reducing frequency and severity of colds, flu & other infections.

~Everything women’s health & hormones.

~Infant & children’s health

~Investigate and optimise nutrient levels, to prevent any deficiencies.

~Lose weight & improve your metabolic health.

~Education on what supplements to take at what specific doses, based on your individual needs.

~Send you for functional pathology testing to identify the cause of your symptoms.

Some of the commonly run tests include hair mineral analysis, microbiome mapping, complete stool analysis, food intolerances, SIBO breath test, MTHFR, salivary hormones levels, homocysteine, full thyroid panel, urinary iodine spot test, allergy panel and oestrogen metabolites.