Consultations &
Initial Naturopathic Consultation
The initial consultation is a fact-finding mission to determine the root cause of what maybe going on for you.
It includes:
•Diet overview and changes if necessary
•Supplement review and suggestions made if necessary
•Pathology interpretation
•Identification of any nutrient deficiencies
•Development of a treatment plan moving forward and high-contact email support throughout your treatment.
Return Consultation
A return consultation is a follow up to see how the client is going with implementing the treatment plan devised in the first session.
What changes do we need to make moving forward to reach your health goals?
• Additional blood tests may need to be suggested or interpreted
• Dietary changes may need to be implemented
• Changes in dosages to herbs and nutraceuticals may need to be made based on the presenting symptoms.
Couples Preconception Package
This is a package for couples thinking of starting a family.
Included in the consultation:
•Blood test analysis: to help identify any nutrient deficiencies
•Referral for more blood tests if needed
•Suggested list of dietary changes based on the individual’s needs, with preconception in mind.
•Suggested preconception supplements based on the individuals needs and the current research in fertility for men and women.
•Education around environmental medicine and how toxins that we put on our skin and use in our house, can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
Acute Consultation
This is a short consultation to discuss acute symptoms that may have just popped up. eg. A cold or the flu.
•Covid supplement protocol.
•A review of past prescriptions
•New prescription of herbal medicine tinctures, nutraceuticals, flowers essences or diet therapy to be filled.