Thyroid Health
If your thyroid is not functioning optimally, it can cause symptoms such as; hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, cold hands & feet, dry skin, poor memory, fertility problems, brittle nails, anxiety and depression.
When evaluating your thyroid function, it's important to have the correct testing done. A Full thyroid panel evaluates your whole thyroid function, which includes: (TSH, FT4, FT3, antibodies TPO, and TgAB. A naturopath can send you for this test or help you interpret the results from your GP.
If you're currently taking a form of thyroxine and still have thyroid symptoms or an autoimmune disease called (Hashimotos), it’s important to establish whether you're making the nutrients to convert thyroxine into T3. there is also now, more research on specific nutrients that help reduce thyroid antibodies.