Breastfeeding, lactation, increase breast milk supply

Breastfeeding Health

Breastfeeding can be a magical bonding experience for mother and baby. But, for many mums, it is initially challenging, painful and tiring; as mother and baby adjust to each other’s needs, the experience can enrich.

Certain nutrients are required for the baby’s development that go directly through the breast milk.

If the mother is depleted in these nutrients, she can experience fatigue, anxiety, depression, hair loss, reduced cognition and memory recall.

Many factors can affect why a mother has problems feeding her baby. A naturopath can help support lactation by recommending certain galactagogue herbs that increase breast milk (if there's a supply issue) and assess your diet, ensuring you're a proper balance of nutrient-dense foods to nourish you during this time.

Another problem that can interfere with feeding is mastitis, which can occur several times over a woman's breastfeeding journey. Mastitis is extremely painful and can be treated and prevented quite easily through naturopathic care.